I've now completed cycle 40, my sixth Lunaception cycle.
I've become a huge fan of my eyemask and couldn't imagine going without it now. I was a bit surprised to see eggwhite mucus at 16dpo, and I'm thinking with night lighting earlier, I could have ovulated much earlier than usual.
From CD21-23 I slept with a night light on. I believe I ovulated during that first night, as my temperature was up, but barely over the coverline -- not at all the normal, definite shift I usually get on 1dpo.
Once again, I had a 12 day luteal phase, with a tiny bit of cramping and spotting the day before ovulation. In addition to Lunaception, I had also been drinking raspberry leaf tea, so I had been hoping for a longer luteal phase, but 12 days long is fine as well.
I have been under a lot of stress at work, which I think may have played into my lack of consistency in the luteal phase. Hopefully next month I will have more even, consistent temperatures again.