Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cycle 38 (CD1-25)... Stress, anyone?

Since last cycle, I have:
  • moved to a different country
  • started a new job, which I am at for 10-12 hrs/day five days a week
  • completely changed my sleeping schedule
  • started exercising regularly (cardio 5-6x/wk)
  • changed my diet
  • had two family members pass away
So, I'm not particularly surprised that it's now CD25 and my temps are still sub-97.0. I tried triggering ovulation last week, with no luck... though now I have had a few days with lots of cervical mucus, so I'm going to be trying again starting tonight. Our new home is in the country, so natural lighting streaming in from the open window is not really an option -- it's pretty dark out. I'm going to be trying out a night light and seeing how that goes. Hopefully I'll also be able to spend time outdoors these next few days, which I've not gotten a chance to do in awhile. So... we'll see how this goes.

1 comment:

Jennie Durren said...

WOW. Thank you thank you thank you so much for keeping this site. We've been TTC for 10 months (though to be fair I decided in June to take a break from charting and just let it ride for the summer, so) and while there are many other things I can and should do for my health and fertility (workin' on 'em), I wanted to give Lunaception a try. Hello, run-on sentence.
Anyway. I looked for information online and everything was pretty basic. I had no idea how I was going to sleep in darkness without buying blackout curtains and whatnot -- an eye mask never occurred to me.
Also, your detailed accounts of how it's been working for you are so. amazing. Seriously, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making so much information available.