CM - creamy, only after checking internally... same as yesterday
CP - a bit higher again, which is a good sign
BBT - Why oh why does my basal body temperature keep dropping? This is completely bizarre... or, as M. Night Shyamalan would say, "What a twist!" (If you have no idea what that's a reference to, check out this video)
Sleep observations: I woke up early again this morning, though only a half hour earlier than usual. I'm not sure what that means, if anything, especially since I take my temp and then proceed to fall back asleep for another few hours anyways.
For my own curiosity's sake, I checked back in my previous charts to try to find other charts which showed similar pre-ovulation patterns of a sharp, steady drop in temperatures like I'm experiencing this month (currently a drop of 0.7 degrees in 8 days) To my surprise, I found a few that looked somewhat similar.
Cycle 2 - Though a sharper drop than my current one, in this cycle I dropped 0.9 degrees over 7 days, and ovulated a week later.
Cycle 20 - Again, this had another sharp drop in it. In total, it was a drop of 0.7 degrees in only six days, with ovulation five days later.

Cycle 30 - This one had three drops of 0.2 degrees or more... a total drop of 0.9 degrees in six days, with ovulation only two days later.

In each of these, I had a short period of slightly-higher-than-the-dip temps before ovulation actually occurred, and in two of those three months, my cervical mucus pattern did not match up with ovulation. So, it looks like I may have a while to go yet before ovulation, but at least I know... and we all know that knowing is half the battle.
I'm so excited to see what my temperature does tomorrow!! I'm definitely drying up... I was soooooooooooo surprised to see sticky this morning!!!
Well, maybe your body is just waiting to ovulate in order to sync itself with the coming full moon (in about 10 more days)?
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