With a BBT of 97.5 this morning (though it was 1 hr later than usual, so it could be adjusted to 97.3), that puts me for sure over the ridiculously low coverline of 97.0. So, we'll see what tomorrow brings. And, in the world of cervical mucus, I'm still experiencing the same creamy mucus with internal checks, nothing with external.
Which brings me to my next point... after commenting about my lack of mucus to a Lunafriend (since increased ewcm seems to be common among Lunaceptors), I decided to do some digging and found similar lack of mucus on more of my previous cycles than I had expected:
c14 - only one day of ewcm; 3 total wet or lubricative days
c15 - no days of ewcm; 3 total W or L days
c19 - 1 day ewcm; 4 W or L days
c22 - 1 day ewcm; 2 W or L days
c24 - 1 day ewcm; 3 W or L days
c28 - 0 days ewcm; 1 W or L day
c34 - 1 day ewcm; 5 W or L days
c36 (so far) - 0 days ewcm; 4 W or L days
I'm still trying to determine if any conclusions can be drawn from this data. C14-15 were summer of '06, C22 and 24 were spring of '07, and C34 was spring of '08, so perhaps an increase or change in heat/humidity may be the cause? My other theory has to do with diet/water intake, but I really don't have any personal data to back that up. I am, however, going to cut back on my soft drink intake and see if that helps; I know I've been drinking far too much this cycle, and it's very possible there's a correlation there.
1 comment:
hah...we should've named our group lunafriends or lunaceptors. :)
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